On August 7, 2024, vivo expanded its much-loved V series portfolio in India with the launch of the V40 series at Yashobhoomi, New Delhi. The all new series, comprising the V40 and V40 Pro, continues the V series legacy, introducing innovations in design, camera, and durability.
With the V40 and V40 Pro, vivo is extending its long-standing global imaging partnership with ZEISS to the V series. The series now brings pro-level camera features such as ZEISS Multifocal Portrait, ZEISS Style Portrait and ZEISS Telephoto portrait camera. vivo has also introduced the innovative Festival Portrait Mode along with the Wedding Style portrait tuned for Indian users.
Alongside the V40 series, vivo also introduced the TWS 3e with ANC and a long-lasting battery, featuring a light, fashionable in-ear design and AI call noise reduction.
Let’s take you through the event highlights:
ZEISS Experiential Zone
Sleek Design and Stunning Display
Revolutionary AI Photography Tools
Immersive Audio Experience
Durability and Reliability
Vibrant Color Options
As the event drew to a close, it was clear that the vivo V40 series is all set to redefine smartphone experience. With cutting-edge camera technology, innovative design, advanced AI tools, and robust durability, the V40 series promises to exceed expectations and set a new benchmark in the world of mobile technology.